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HARDCORE 05-07-2004 10:15 AM

More To Come - I Fear?

WEIRD - is the only word that I can conjure up to describe yesterday?s mini-firestorm, but nature and the weather hereabouts has always been strange and unpredictable!

With rain usually at a premium here in the extreme Southwest, the only thing (really) thriving are the snakes, biting bugs and the Bush/Fox Illegal Border Traffic! The brush is so dry that if you even breath upon it wrong - up in flames it goes!

Our fire fighters up here, however, are really on the ball. Within minutes, spotter planes were airborne, tankers screaming in overhead, and even bucket carrying choppers were dumping scarce H2O on this fire and it?s ever-lethal potential.

Although, as of this writing, the cause of the blaze is still under investigation, it?s location suggests that illegals started it? (opinion) One thing, however, is crystal clear - this is going to be one helluva vicious fire season!

My sincerest thanks goes to those of you who offered help, but that thanks ?DOES NOT? extend to a few of those, highly placed in politics, who after the last blaze (Cedars Fire) had been raging for a full four days, managed to push their corpulent faces and me-ist attitudes before the media?s cameras to proclaim that they were (just then) seeking federal assistance for our region! (Modern day Neros, in my opinion)

I had learned long ago that unless one's lips are firmly implanted upon the backside of a scant few politicos, while kneeling in a prostate position before them, your pleas, concerns, and opinions, are definitely persona non grata amidst the taxpayer-gifted, caviar for lunch bunch!

There are a few magnificent exceptions to this rule in government from both political parties, however! Men like Congressman Filner who will be presenting that Purple Heart Bill to Congress, and guys like Ex-Senator Morgan, Congressman Ethridge, etc, who are speaking out on behalf of those who can no longer speak for themselves - our honored military dead!

These caring political entities, and indeed, all caring patriotic Americans, ?I will always applaud?, regardless of party affiliation! ?They proved, at least to me, that they are humans and Americans first!!?

And like Senator Jesse Helms once said to me in a letter: ?WE NEED ANOTHER 100 MILLION MORE JUST LIKE THEM!?

?God Bless Them All - The Good and Caring Ones!?

Well, aside from the lingering smoke, this round with the "Fires of Hell" is history - THANK GOD!! Our gallant firefighters knocked the blaze down in short order, but it?s potential to become yet another ?Gigantically Dangerous Cedar Fire? was ominously upon our minds as we used our garden hoses and even spit to wet down the path of this flaming beast!

?Sorry "Congressman X", there will be no apple-polishing (four days late) on this one! Better luck next time!? Besides (and unrelated of sorts), thousands of Americans are still plenty pissed off over the appalling conditions and general - ?So What Bureaucratic Attitudes? that we witnessed on an ABC Special ?FIGHTING FOR (VA) CARE?, (about a month or so ago)!

The special ABC program outlined the dangerously, often deadly, shoddy, and absolutely shitty conditions, that still exists within many a VAMC, nationwide!! And as a matter of fact, although invited to speak out, "LORD PRINCIPI" allocated the task to a lesser evil. He (Principi) was, according to his often bewildered replacement on stage, ill! "He must have stayed at a VAMC the night before!?" (opinion)

Granted, the media covered this issue many, many years ago, but apparently some things never change. And IF THE VA IS NOTHING ELSE, IT IS FATALLY PREDICTABLE!? (opinion)



SuperScout 05-07-2004 11:05 AM

Sorry I wasn't home when you called yesterday. When I got the message from my bride, I offered a prayer of safety for you and yours, with prayers continuing. Had a VFW meeting last nite, and now up at Pup #2's home, being Super Pop, while their mom attends a home-schooling conference in Dallas area. Dealing with 3 children, all under the age of 7, is much like trying to herd cats! But what the hay, I'm a veteran, and I can handle just about anything!!

I'm with you on that wetback issue! We need a tight control, strangle-hold, if you will, on the situation - careful immigration, controlled, with time limits. If necessary for control, stick them with a microchip for electronic tracking.

Hang in there, Bro, many are on your side!!
Scouts Out!!

HawkCW4 05-07-2004 11:30 AM

Good to hear the fires are under control so soon. Those can be and are very scary events. I recall shortly after being assigned to the LA Defense we had a monster fire. Ran from Malibu to San Bernadino. Our familys had been evacuated from our homes in the Angeles Forest (all military homes 32 of em) and for a week I had no idea where they were.

I heard this one included Temecula, which is pretty far from the border. I wonder if that could have been started by illegals trying to travel north.

I do love the Mexican people, but Lord how I hate the US Gov stance on: Free Medical, Free School, Drivers Licenses for any and all Illegals. What is up with that?

Where I come from, illegal is illegal.

HARDCORE 05-07-2004 04:25 PM

HawkCW4 & Super Scout et al....

This particular fire (CAMPO) was quickly brought under control. It did, however, have the potential to become deadly! :d:

Thanks for the prayers, they always help. And although the cause of this blaze is not yet known, it was started right along a possible smuggler's route!!
Now that you think this story has ended, it is time to enter the world of the ridiculous!

I just had a conversation with a CDF Agent (no name needed or solicited), who informed me, "NOW GET THIS", that while our firefighters and law enforcement was putting their asses on the line to save lives and property, a group of devout environmentalists, doing what ever it is that they do, came screaming, ranting and raving down the hill! This charge of the Light-Brained-Brigade was instituted over the use of bulldozers to cut a protective firebreak!

It seems that a cute little, orange wing tipped butterfly was busy humping (reproducing) in the weeds by the thousands, and the sounds and brush clearing made by forestry, area fire departments, volunteers and law enforcement, was more than these little "Flutter-Bys" could stand. For that mater, the environmentalists thought (apparently), that these darling little insects were worth more than our kids and property!

Hey you protectors of all that wiggles, crawls and slithers, I understand that the sand flea mating season is soon to arrive! Maybe you guys should be on hand to give out free condoms, flea size!! I hear that over-breeding, even among a few fleas and bureaucrats can be a real bitch!

"Now go and figure this one out!?" :r:


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