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Boats 03-28-2003 11:41 AM

I think there's a field general in trouble!
Reports on TV said a field general had given indications (verbally) to them that the higher ups might have some misgivings about there plan of operations. There are more fighting elements than anticapated.

Now this could be a career buster if he's talking against his superiors - even if there is some truth to it - it may be his last battle before a forced retirement. Any thoughts?

1IDVET 03-29-2003 08:59 AM

Are you refering to LTG Wallace?
I don't think his career is over.
He went from 1 star to 3stars in just a couple years.
I am sure he will weather the storm.

bbeil 03-29-2003 09:22 AM

I think his statement was a straight answer with out the "Political" spin. I think everyone knows and appreciates that.

David 03-29-2003 09:32 AM

NOT a PC post
We can thank Turkey for basically cutting our armored forces in half. Everyone is currently ripping up France and Germany for not backing the coalition but Turkey has done far greater damage by not letting us come through their country.

Turkey must have gave strong indication we would be able to or we would not have positioned so many resources at their ports. Now all we have is a token force of Airborne up North and that is not a good thing. In my opinion we can thank Turkey for a guaranteed prolongation of the operation and a much higher casualty count then would have occurred had we been able to pour armor into Baghdad early on from both sides.

Turkey now has coalition blood on their hands. Our Army should roll through Baghdad and then into Turkey for some payback. I am sick and tired of these middle eastern people and at this point would like to see them all sent into oblivion. Would not that be an easier solution then continuing on for another thousand years putting up with their twisted and sick religious wars that they feel everyone must be involved in?

I hear people saying the Iraqi's are afraid to rise up and take control of their own country. I could care less. I look across the border to Mexico and I see the same thing. They have no character, they have no spirit, they have no will.

We fought for and died for this country against unimaginable odds. Now we must go around the world fighting and dying for others to have our lifestyle while they sit on their asses and watch the show. We also get to watch ignorant f*ckers burn our flag and call us satan. Worst of all they have infected the weak and disenchanted in our own country to do the same.

bbeil 03-29-2003 10:27 AM

The Turkish forces were our greatest friends in Korea and very good soldiers. When we came into their camps for anything they treated us better than you can imagine, gave us anything they had . I don't understand this situation or reasoning now.

David 03-29-2003 10:34 AM

I don't understand it either bbeil, they were good allies in the Gulf War too.

mikey30919 03-29-2003 03:18 PM

I believe that Rumsfield is too powerful and I agree Gen Wallace's career is all but over. If the war is not over within a few weeks he will be the one to blame, and he will be forced out, and Rumsfield will continue his dynasty. With his as Sec of Defense the need for Service Secs has seen it's time, he manages all branches. He demands total follow the party line and all who oppose him pay the price and lose there career. At Least a 3 star can retire with a good retirement.

reconeil 03-29-2003 03:36 PM

Bbeil & David...
Turkey is easy to understand. It's just that these historically good Allies of ours have become more Liberalized than We Americans. It no longer matters to them what's right or wrong and/or the right thing to do. All that truly matters to The Turks nowadays are what some political polls determine and whom the loudest of protestors are. Guess you could call that progress,...if a liberal?


MORTARDUDE 03-29-2003 04:32 PM

it is called democracy folks...
they had some elections in Turkey recently, and are now tilting toward Moslem fundamentalism, and took votes about providing aid in the War. Give them credit for doing it the right way, even if the result was bad for us...unlike other Arab countries...


1IDVET 03-29-2003 04:47 PM

Off topic, buit I didn't want to start a thread for this.
I uploaded some pics in the gallery, how long before they are looked at and approved?
Just curious.

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