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Keith_Hixson 10-28-2002 07:50 AM

Australia, To Be Under Attack By Radical Muslims
According to Government Security Sources.

Radical Muslims are planning on taking Australia and Making It into a world wide base for jihad.

Check Out the Article:

Hey Wazza,

You folks are going find yourself in a war against radical Muslims also. This war with the radical muslims is very dangerous. By the time most of our governments figure this out we are going to be big trouble.


Boats 10-28-2002 08:24 AM


This is pretty scary stuff. I read Keith's thread and can't believe they would want to move into North Australia? What do you hear on your news?

Seascamp 10-29-2002 10:08 AM

I read the article and I?m guessing that the JI is engaging in wishful thinking and is not unlike a flea crawling up an elephant?s leg with rape in mind. The first thought that comes to my mind is, OK, just how are they going to carry out that foul deed. The first thing they need is a Navy to cross the Great Barrier Reef, Arafura Sea and/or Timor Sea. And I?m sure the Australian Navy would not take kindly to such a gesture, let alone their Air Force and Army. So at least for the present I see the threat as one internal to Australia in the form of urban terrorism via home grown or illegal Islamic extremists and Australian Security Forces are up to that, I?m sure. Now then, if Indonesia comes crashing down and the Islamic extremists grab the place up; Australia is going to need some friends for a bit. The US 7th fleet Carrier battle groups for openers, I would guess. The danger is very real, but just how things are going to play out is not so clear, at least to me.


Boats 10-29-2002 10:43 AM


Anything is possible. If they do this move slowly it won't be as noticeable. Transition from one point to another means they've got scouts out and most likely connections already.

Indonesia would love to toss those buggers out they can't deal with the terror. No I don't want any US troops cleaning up their problems. This sounds like a job for the UN - let them deal with it we have our own problems to deal with (not forgetting 9/11) and all the other terrorist acts that have been taken to our backdoors.

Sure we will help our "true" alias but those two-faced so called dogs who only want our money and food well we better see some action come out of those people before we commit to anything of substance - especially troops and military arms.

Wazza 10-29-2002 03:06 PM


Not too worried about an illegal entry cross the barrier reef. Hell, even the British mucked that up with HMS Nottingham. We just keep abuild'n the reef and don't tell anyone about the new bits. Oh yeah, check this out - out Navy decided, with some political help, that we would forget about the threat to the north and concentrate our Navy on an anti-submarine response to assist our allies like you guys. That was cold war stuff and guess what - the threat from the north DOESN'T have submarines. Hell, our government opposition, last election, just proposed we have a Coast Guard, but yes, no ship building industry. So we'll have to buy off you guys or Malaysia. We wont buy off the Brits cause they sell leaky boats. There goes the Balance of Trade and up goes the defecit.


Did ya get my post on your jokes? Huge improvement my friend. Been gett'n therapy from Keith eh?


Done a good job on Boats. I saw the TV show which that newspaper report was about. Scarey stuff alright. It's unfortunate that it takes an incident with loss of life for our leaders to get their arses into gear. It seems that El queida and JI have there HQ in the Pillipines. The northern Oz bit seems more to do with access to Oz for raising funds for the fight. Still the threat of terror on Oz soil IS real and blackmail by terror is the anticipated MO.

Keith_Hixson 10-29-2002 05:37 PM

Maybe Someday We Will Realize!
What a tremendous threat that Radical Muslims present to us all World Wide. How many more 09 - 11 - 02 before the world and the nation realizes just what we are facing.

Keith :d:

Seascamp 11-04-2002 07:53 AM

The Great Barrier Reef has yielded a lot of interesting stories and my favorite is the one about the British Royal Navy ship HMS Pandora. The Pandora had collected all the HMS Bounty mutineers they could find and were headed back to England. On the main deck the mutineers were held in a cage like enclosure. Pandora struck the reef and began to sink very rapidly causing a discussion as to what to do with the prisoners. It was decided to let them out of the cage and for the first time ?Pandora?s box? was opened and the saying stuck. A few years back one of the Australian Universities excavated the Pandora site and a treasure trove of as was artifacts were retrieved. Among them was the surgeon?s chest in near perfect preservation. Absolutely scary as hell looking implements and the scariest of all was a device used to treat VD. Kind of like a catheter but this particular device dispensed mercury as well. A British Royal Navy saying at the time was ?A night with Venus will get ya a fortnight with Mercury?. Poor British Tars, they sure had a difficult and brutal existence.


Wazza 11-04-2002 09:00 AM


Your not wrong. I went to Portsmouth UK and toured HMS Nelson. The surgeons cabin had those scarey implements on show. Pretty crude stuff like you say Poor British Tars.

Also did a WWII submarine across the bay. Not my cup of tea thanks. But the tour was good. The guide had originally served on the actual vessel and was a wealth of information AND humour.

A lot of military museums are rapidly loosing that expertise.

While you here, remembering you said you served on the Canberra. Jeff just postedthat it was sunk off Guadalcanal. Were you on board at that time?

Seascamp 11-04-2002 09:30 AM

Well no, I was never sunk as I recall. LOL. The ship I was on was the USS Canberra and it was named after the Australian Cruiser Canberra that was sunk at the battle of Savo Island or sometimes known as the Slot and all this was during the Guadalcanal fight. The USS Canberra was originally to be the USS St. Lewis but got a name change while still in construction. The USS Canberra did take a torpedo hit during WWII and lost over 40 Sailors. While in VN we took some hits from field arty but that was a matter of sweeping up the remains of a couple of liberty launches, a bit of paint work and good to go. That Cruiser had a real tough hide so a couple of arty hits were not much more than a momentary interruption and something interesting to look at.

I toured the HMS Victory while in Portsmouth, UK, and that was fascinating and I hung out so long I thought a Boatswain?s Mate was going to have to smack me on the head with a belaying pin to get me moving along.

Oh, forgot to mention one thing. My first Cruiser was the USS Chicago and it was named after the older USS Chicago that was also sunk during the Guadalcanal fight. So bad ju-ju one would think and, actually, there was a prophecy that the USS Canberra would be sunk during the VN War. Alas, we did get rammed by a Destroyer and the thought did cross my mind, ?Jeezzz, the prophecy is coming true? and I got my survival gear on just in case we went tits up. But we just had to pound out some serious dents and weld up some holes and that was about it.


Wazza 11-05-2002 04:26 AM

Just on a lighter note, and I didn't want to offend anyone by putting it of Drifter's post re female Leatherneack but I was awonderin' Do all the women marines look like Demi Moore or that little number in JAG. If they do, I'm lying about my age and coming over to enlist. Might not finish boot camp but I reckon it would be worth the pain.

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