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HARDCORE 10-25-2002 08:05 AM

A Game Of International Chess?
International politics, or diplomacy if you prefer, is really no different than a game of chess, except for the fact that the pieces are not captured or retired, but rather eternally blown to hell! ?As such, I guess that mankind will never (truly) return to Eden!??

When you tune into the morning (vested) news, you never know quite what to expect? The country that you shared a brew with last night, might be attacking you the next morning, and Tuesday?s mortal foe could end up being Wednesday?s best friend (Go Figure)?! ?Take Iran and Iraq for instance!? Did we not back Iraq over Iran a war or two ago? Now, or so it seems, we are mending fences with Iran, and threatening to reduce Iraq to pile of smoldering crap!

And about a half century ago, the world was fresh off a victory against the ?Mighty Axis Powers!? Things were great, our economy was prime, and peace was going to rule forever! (Yeah Right?) Is that why within a few short years (about 5 to be exact), we were at it again, this time against the Korean Reds (or Commies if you prefer)?

?And what about those other former enemies?? In the event that you haven?t noticed, both Germany and Japan have become world powers, and North Korea has developed a nuclear punch!

And what was it that Patton was supposed (?) to have said: ?The United States has never (and will never) lose a war, because the thought of losing is not in our vocabulary?, or something to that effect! ?Etu Brute!? Patton?s statement was not totally incorrect, however, in that the people and military of the United States ?HAVE NEVER? lost a war! ?Twas the political twits and moaning diplomats who gave away the farm!

Getting back to this game of Chess (or is that musical chairs) that our government has eternally drafted us into - It seems that Korea, like Cuba, China, Iraq, Iran, and all points east and west, wants to end their isolationism! Our key move in this game of State is, and always has been, the ?Almighty Dollar, Yen, Deutch Mark and Pound Sterling!? Any enemy Ideology has taken a back seat to reality, and that harsh reality is that ?MONEY RULES!?

Unfortunately, "Money also buys!!" Not just the commodities of war, life or survivability, but also bogus ethics, artificial integrity, politicians, and even the United Nations?!


VERITAS :cd: :cd: :cd: :cd:

Boats 10-25-2002 08:16 AM


It's the technology they want and our money. They want to send their kids to our schools and learn the latest state-of-the-art sciences.

Then while they are in school they can preach their dogma to other students. They can tour our country openly and photo anything of interest. All this will filter back to the motherland.

Insecurity? Yep just a little. I've seent his coming since the early 70's. Once you whip someones ass they don't forget. It used to be the who kicked your ass later became a good friend. But those who got whipped will never put themselves into that position of loosing again. What would they do? First if you can't kick the other guys ass with your first you buy a gun. Same applies to other countries. You don't have the forces or dollars to fight a conventional war so you make a NUKE!.

Survival of the fittest seems to be the rule. If you blink you will catch one right in the eye - everytime.

The middle east is only playing catch up. But they've got money and lots of it. We on the other hand don't have those deep pockets anymore. We can't even make the things we'd need for a war because too many of the specialist are retired or laid off.

What we need is a new kindof mind set. We need to drop back and say - Hey Wait A Minute!! that didn't work last time so maybe we should try something else and while we are doing it we should make a profit! That would be nice for a change.

The low and middle class people (all over the world) have really taken the brunt of all this crap. We aren't in a position where we can change the outcome. Big Money drives or positions the gameball.

Chess? Its more like Checkers

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