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HARDCORE 02-29-2024 10:11 AM

Problems That Never Seem To Get Resolved

Have you ever noticed how there are a multitude of problems that people talk about, but never quite seem to get around to solving or even tackling them for that matter?! Could it be that there is far more money and job security in incessantly talking these problems to death, rather than doing anything of a positive nature to rectify them?

And worse yet is the fact that “We the People” do little or nothing at all to hold those politicians and bon vivants feet to ‘The Fires of Accountability”, especially when it comes to performing the legislative labors that they are being handsomely paid to enact, and once again, “WHY IS THAT?!”

There is an old saying about getting where you want to go by just planting one foot in front of the other! But when you do not know your right foot from your left or you just don’t give a damn anymore, then you are also dealing with an exercise in futility!

So –“Just Sit On Back”, relax your loins, take another deep breathe, do nothing and as usual let the other guy [or politician] do your thinking for you! But don’t ever bitch again when it comes to the mess that results from your inactivity, as you may indeed be the primary architect of your own final catastrophe – “And That Too, Is Also A Cold Hard Fact!”

And always remember that an incumbent in office is almost exactly the same as that wannabe who was initially screaming for your vote to begin with! Personal Opinions!


Boats 02-29-2024 11:16 AM

HC your post is so crystal clear it makes me sick.
HC your post is so crystal clear it makes me sick.
But it's true! You have wonder how these folks
get elected or re-elected and only make things
worse once in.
Politics has always been an unfavorite of many
folks and seems like profiter's once elected.
Once in office they put their heads in sand so
as not to here unfavorable knocks from their
people or maybe their providers.
Sorry to say but to many gray hairs in office
and most are contaminated by party leaders
to fall in line - or fall behind!
What they need is a kick in the ass or sharp
stick in their tongue - for failing to come through
with the promises made while running for office.
I've alway hated politics - skeemer's and back-
door/or closed door operations.
Right now this Country isn't being favored by
too many other than maybe NATO and few
other nation's that we are defending!
We can't be the Big Brother to the whole World
- it always backfires - after we clear it up and
pull out - and sure as shit - they can't control
their enemies - and they move back in.
NATO seems to be ok but at times but they too
have second guesses as to whether or not to get
more involved - until too late when their
Today is no different than yesterday. It
comes and goes faster each day. S.O.S.
for those don't know Same Old Shit!
Border issue's - ah just not working
out - and Russia rattling the snake
again - North Korea in the background
- I sense China really doesn't want to
get into a war - but who knows what's next?
Peace on Earth - is a fallacy - tends to
lean to aggression regardless.
I sure as hell don't like this digital
dollar shit! Uncle Sam can audit anytime
he wants to tract profits and losses!
I think they want know if the big
winner's are paying their taxes or
have hidden or tried to hide their
I got more - but hell why the bushes
over and over - its frustrating though!

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