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82Rigger 10-27-2012 07:42 PM

You gonna be in the middle of that super-storm comin' in?

You gonna be okay?


reconeil 10-28-2012 04:20 AM

Time will tell, Steve.

We'er high and dry here, have food, water and most important of all the necessities Tissue & Toilet Paper ;);), here we aren't too overly-concerned or worried about this supposed: "Storm of The Century".

Besides, worrying about Anything (especially the weather) never solves or resolves Anything.
"Ce sera, sera", we "Bloomin Ayeties" (How Brits or Aussies refer to Italians) say.

Fate, Luck or NOT being at wrong place at the wrong time is all that truly matters.
Hope that both Fate & Good Luck remain on our (plus that of our friends & neighbors) side.

Still, thanks for the concern and will keep you updated,...if electricity and such permits.

Regardless and to be totally honest, the only concern I have right now is that Giants beat Dallas today. Dallas always give the Giants a tough time. It should be a good game.


reconeil 10-29-2012 03:37 AM

It turned out to be as predicted. It was: "A good game".
It was touch and go or pretty-much anyones game until the very end.
We're still waitin for the grand finale of that: "Super Storm".
I wish us all well and good luck.


DMZ-LT 10-29-2012 05:01 AM

Good luck Neil ! I was born in Newark and grew up in Scotch Plains , NJ

1CAVCCO15MED 10-29-2012 08:39 AM

Keep safe, high and dry.

reconeil 11-01-2012 06:17 AM

Finally got a chance to give you fellas an update from Ground Zero.
Just got our power back last night.

Except for a couple of our neighbors making out quite well from our defrosting food, all is well here at my hacienda.

Loosing power and cleaning up branches and debri is pretty-much-nothing compared to those poor souls living along the Jersey Shore. Truly feel sorry for them.

Most that I could complain about the 3 days was the boredom of very little communication, not going anywhere and basically not knowing what-the-hell was going on.

All we knew for certain was that it was very windy out there.
Constantly sounded like a train going by, for a couple of days.

Got most news about the storm, hurricane or whatever from friends in Indialantic, Florida and Goodlettsville, Tennessee. Here was difficult communicating with people down the street, for many.

This storm should certainly make people in charge rethink how better to make Communicating to and Informing People DURING (not before or after) a disaster or catastrophic event much better, if such is at all possible?


reconeil 11-03-2012 08:47 AM

Here's a further update, even though can't tell you much more than you've already seen on TV.
Along shorelines the storm was quite devastating.

Regardless, just believe what you see and generally NOT how leaders and politically appointed agency heads praise each other on How Well the disaster is being handled.

I personally thought that so many officials patting each on the back over how well they were handling the catastrophe...was downright disgusting.


82Rigger 11-03-2012 03:30 PM

[quote][I personally thought that so many officials patting each on the back over how well they were handling the catastrophe...was downright disgusting.

Happens in every disaster, Neil.

Last time we got hit by a hurricane here, we were thrown back into the stone age for 6 days. All the politicos and the President were patting FEMA on the back for their timely response.

They did, in fact, respond quickly. But they were in the wrong place...NOT where the hurricane victims were!

Go figure!


reconeil 11-05-2012 07:25 AM

"Happens in every disaster" is just the opposite of what I remember, Rigger.

Whenever Republicans or Conservatives are in charge of aid and cleanup after any catastrophe or disaster IN AMERICA, both Democrat Ruling Elite and their Supportive Hacks (both journalistic, non-journalistic & wealthy or not) concertedly mocked most all their efforts to help.

In fact and besides greatly mocking President Bush for just publicly displayng great concern for so many Americans in dire straits,...same Political Supremacist Dems & Crowd or Clique or Gang pretty-much wanted to pillory or hang The Head of FEMA.

At that time any: "Patting each other on the back" was no doubt done secretly.

Whatever,...don't forget to vote for A REAL: "Change", Steve.

Let's give ALL in U.S. Uniform and ALL Americans something to look forward to.

Screw ALL Muslim Nations and The UN. Let other nations stupidly bow to their will.


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