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Staff_HQ 04-01-2003 12:16 PM

Whats wrong with this picture?
US troops kills 10 civilian in a car. 5 of those were under five years old. :cd:

One thing is that the troops are on the edge because of the suicide bombers, and that they fired on the engine and the car didn?t stop. But these women and Childs tried to escape from Iraqi soldiers that probably fired on them because they tried to escape.

When we have a CP we build it so the vehicle can?t reach the guard protecting the check point.

This isn?t the way to win the heart and mind of the people, my guess is that the family members of these kids and women will fight even harder, and with a lot more hate.

I been in the army for many years, and have never learned to conduct war against kids.

Its trouble me even more that high ranking generals saying "job well done". Instead of changing the ROE of this type of situation. And also changing the way of Howe these check points are build.

In my mind, there is no excuse, and no way is that killing of kids with small arms fire on short range acceptable. One thing is a bomb from a plane; there it is harder to identify the target.


Packo 04-01-2003 12:59 PM

Maybe someday
You'll be unlucky enough to be in real combat. Then you can do all the second guessing you want. Until you've actually walked in their shoes.......

Now, how about a post about the brave Iraqis hiding behind women and children and the vast amounts they have murdered, and not by accident.

"Been there, done that, and gotta fake hip to prove it"


PS Didn't know you had that many suicide bombers in Norway. Ever think that they may not have had time to build a real nice CP?

Staff_HQ 04-01-2003 01:29 PM

Hey no need to be rude about it.
But if you find killing of children honourable, fine by me. That?s your opinion.
How many suicide bombers do you have stateside, I guess none, just as in Norway. None.

So I just join the rest of you and say, kill em all, let God sort em out.

So you been there done that. I wouldn?t brag about it. I read about My Lai. Many brave soldiers there.

Had time, you have armour don?t you? Block the road with an APC, until a better CP has been made.

9th Inf. Doc. 04-01-2003 01:32 PM


There was a moslum cleric on the news a little while ago who claimed to have reliable information to the effect that the driver's family was being held hostage under threat of death had he not acted as he did.

I have seen nothing to suggest that the troop(s) who fired on that vehicle acted in any manner other than what they were REQUIRED to do by orders and unit SOP.Commendation is in order if for no other reason than that the soldier(s) involved will have to live with the results for the rest of their lives.Doing the right thing is often much easier than living with the results of doing the right thing.

reconeil 04-01-2003 01:33 PM

I was going to say Hip-Hip-Hoorah. But, and given your revelation, I thought that would be a-bit-tacky.

Regardless, and the-bottom-line for me about any civilian casualties or collateral damage required to secure: "America's Finest" (or any Coalition Partner for that matter) from sneak attack goes like this.

No matter how many Iraqi People are ACCIDENTALLY KILLED by us in combat,...such wouldn't even come close to the number PURPOSEFULLY MURDERED & EXECUTED by: "The Butcher of Bagdad", cronies and cohorts.

It's documented that about 200 to 250,000 Kurds in The North and Shiites in The South were PURPOSEFULLY wiped out.
Plus, it's known that Stalin-like purges throughout Iraq HAVE PURPOSEFULLY KILLED millions. Rapes, murders and tortures?

I guess Packo, that Libya and/or The UN Representative for Human Rights just never had the time to get around to Iraq?
Though, 12 X 365 and/or 12 years does seem like more than enough time to me. What do you think, Friend?


SEATJERKER 04-01-2003 01:42 PM

...It seems everytime I read one of your responses, there always seems to be an inuendo attached, just like a needle when it touches a ballon, it pops...

...this recent reply of yours started out seeming to be with compassion, but then you go off tangent again, and try to spew bullshi+, I wish i knew how to put the "quotes" up, but I do it by re reading, and...

..."I have been in the army many years, and never learned to conduct war against kids"...

"what kind of bullshit is that, you seem to throw out the pretenses that we were trained to kill children, I don't like your attitude because if you were in the Army for years, you would never acuse another of such an atroclous crime... talk a good game of "let's just see who I can pizz off", and it's not gonna cut it here, go back to snowshoeing...

...edit, and another thing weeesel, that crack about "ma Lai" was way out of line, I mean WAY OUT OF LINE, TAKE YOUR SHI+, and stuff it.......

MORTARDUDE 04-01-2003 02:05 PM

well we had 9/11...
how is that for suicide bombers...You haven't been in combat and had to deal with hostile civilians.....'Nuf Sed !!!


Packo 04-01-2003 02:16 PM

Staff whatever
HQ says it all, Pogue!

Can you say "Quisling"? Stick that up your butt. Your own people were helping the Nazi's kill your own. Brave country you live in.

Now, richardhead, I never said I killed ANY civilians. When I said, been there, done that, I was refering to combat....something you've never seen.

Go back to being a don't pack the gear.


SuperScout 04-01-2003 02:41 PM

You have this extraordinary way of pissing people off. Did you come by this talent naturally, or is that something you learned? And did your vast military experience also teach you to "paint every soldier with the same brush?"

In case you're wondering, and haven't bothered to read my profile, I served in Vietnam for 24 months as a ground combat commander, was officially recognized as having been wounded twice (guess the others didn't count as much), and count no children as victims of my extremely hostile fire. And just for the record, had I been on Rusty Calley's (of My Lai infamy) court martial, I would have voted to convict and hang him.

Until you have had the transcendent pleasure of experiencing real combat, not some pretend snowball contest, you might seriously refrain from "Monday Morning Generalship."

reeb 04-01-2003 02:54 PM

From the report I had just seen on CNN, by some High Ranking, High Falooting General said:

The Van sped towards the colition by orders from the Regime. Somewhat of a suicide attack on the colition.

These Scumbags over there havent the slighest concern for their women and children. Just like Nam. I was there , and beleive me it wasnt a Mural on a wall. I was safe most of the time, but the poor draftees seen most of the action.

Now a question for ALL OF YOU.

When the colition gets into Bagdaddy, just who is going to be in front facing us??? I will bet there will be children and women.

My final saying is that, "Better them, than you"!!!!

A bitch to live with.


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