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HARDCORE 08-25-2003 09:10 AM

A World At War
?I DECLARE THIS WAR TO BE AT AN END? is beginning to sound as hollow as an old maid?s chamber pot. ?I guess that saying that something is so, don?t necessarily make it so, and playing the part of those proverbial three monkeys (See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Say No Evil) is beginning to fool no one but it?s authors!??

While many a military commander is screaming for ?More Boots On The Ground (troops)?, Sir Donald of Rumsfeld is still busy polishing his Teflon armor and insisting that the 180,000 American Troops that we have in Iraq are more than enough to get the job done!? (Maybe)

Add to this the fact that in Afghanistan too, the situation is anything but settled down, and it is sure to bring about an uneasy feeling to all, save for a few armchair commandos flying their armor-plated desks, many, many thousands of miles away from the scene of action!

Granted, out troops, their field commanders, and their equipment are the best in the world, but the ?Hail Mary? approach to policy and tactics being demonstrated by a few politicos, many miles removed from the scene of action, is damned dangerous indeed (opinion)!!

?And what of the rest of the world? - is it sitting passively by (The Old U.N. approach) while ?Rome on the Euphrates? continues to burn - not according to the morning news it ain?t!!

It hasn?t been a heartbeat since the WTC and Baghdad U.N. Building Bombings etc, and the virus of hate is again showing itself worldwide in places like Russia and India too! Blowing the hell out of civilian targets has become pandemic worldwide, and the rest of the news flowing like excrement out of the media isn?t much better either!

Arafat, the ?Proverbial Middle Eastern Pain In The Ass? is in a power struggle with Abbas, Hamas is pissed off because Israel is retaliating against acts of terror, and even in U.S. prisons, the hammer of vengeance is nailing the formerly untouchable! ?It was just reported that a Catholic Priest, imprisoned as a sex abuser was knocked off by fellow inmates who look very dimly upon traitors and child molesters!!?

I can not help but marvel over those who continue to tout mankind as being leaps and bounds beyond the cave mentality!? But again, and as I said in the beginning of this piece, ?Wishing It So, Don?t Necessarily Make It So?, now does it!?? Talk is cheap after all, and it takes money to buy beer, or in DC?s case - Champagne and Caviar!!

VERITAS :md: :d:

BLUEHAWK 08-25-2003 09:49 AM

HC - yes...
As you often do, you've relieved me of having to attempt something similar.

- This morning the muslim/hindu conflict experienced dramatic escalation, not all that geographically far from the current war America is waging on terrorism. I have long held that events in India are at least as, if not more, important to american security interests (as articulated by leadership) as anything else. It would not take all that much for things to become VERY much more explosive for our putative ally Pakistan, and a ripple effect take hold on the "grand design" out in Washington to which you refer. Our guys would be, again, caught in the middle.

- Senators Biden and McCain (who was my hopeful presidential candidate last time 'round) are cautioning, asking, informing the administration of the military needs they personally experienced in Iraq. Moot silence has thusfar been the response. Senator Lugar seems to be going with the flow, as usual. Senator Warner is silent. This does not bode well.

- The american government is demanding that both Israel and Palestine do for one another that which we ourselves, and neither of them, have thusfar ever been able to accomplish... as THE condition for furthering the current version of a peace process.

- America has been drawn in, purposefully, to an unwinnable death trap in the middle east. That is my opinion.

HARDCORE 08-25-2003 10:46 AM

Ah yes - the "Old DC Shuffle" (aka - Do as I say, not as I do scenario)!?

And yes again, India and Pakistan are indeed dormant powder kegs - they fizzle, they spark and they smolder! And like all such unexploded ordnance, it is just a matter of time before an eruption and domino effect!

"The world is indeed at war!!" It is just that some in power fail to realize it! But then this is all good for business, is it not? Just ask the Council on Foreign Affairs or the Trilaterals?! Unfortunately, I think that some hope that when the smoke clears, they will be in control of what is left?!

What was it that "George The First (ours, not Britain's)? called this - "A NEW WORLD ORDER" perhaps!?

When one screws around with unknown elements, the danger of chain reaction is ever present, is it not?


kmetz 08-26-2003 09:45 AM

I am currently re-watching "Nixon" a PBS program on "tricky Dicky." And I am struck by the events of that time being played again currently.

It is fairly easy to see that our government must always invent an enemy for us. After WWII it was communism and the advent of the Cold War, which included Korea--then we had to move on to Viet Nam being a part of that and the domino effect if VN fell. Then the Cold War ended and the government was on a quest for a new enemy to fight and low and behold foreign terrorism raised its ugly head on our shores. Government always justifies spending our tax money by having an enemy for taxpayers to fight. I truly think that 9/11 could have been prevented by our government--don't know if they wanted it to happen, or were just asleep on the job, but it seems very close to the theory that FDR knew that Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked. Sometimes the big things have to happen to justify a government's existence.

BLUEHAWK 08-26-2003 10:31 AM

k -
Actually, the communists in broad daylight TOLD us and everyone else who was listening, among other things, that it was their intention to "Bury Us" and (sometimes with a little help from our own citizens) they managed to acquire state defense secrets... naturally, a whole bunch of americans took extreme exception to those threats... and then as usual, here in the home of the brave, our government went totally overboard. Stalin was an "ally of convenience" during WW II, nobody trusted him and he didn't deserve it, but his army, navy and airforce was essential in stopping Germany and Japan. His army raped their way through the conquest of Berlin, and built a miles long wall afterward. This is why I get nervous when America begins creating a "Coalition of the Willing" again. Sending our people to Vietnam to defend against a "Domino Effect" was stupid (some would say it was criminal), and if we'd had any sense we'd have learned from the horrible experiences of the French in Indochina. These are some of the reasons I don't go with the notion of being "Isolationist". I prefer instead the concept of Homeland Security, THAT IS something we can and must handle better, and the only way to do it is to keep our noses out of other people's business unless we are specifically invited, by THEM, not by Project for The New American Century or the American Enterprise Institute.

I don't mean to quarrel with you K, but I am pretty sure there was no way 9/11 could have been prevented, given the bullying tactics our government habitually uses throughout the world. CIA/FBI are being scapegoated for it, but even when and if they knew key information, would anybody in control of american government have listened to and heard their warnings? I think happened at Pearl Harbor at least once before. "Cover your ass" oughta be part of the Bill of Rights the way it is so often used as an excuse.

In that light, american apprehensiveness about the Chinese threat in Korea had some paranoiac justification... although it still amazes me that our huge nation would get all THAT upset about China taking control of a tiny "appendix" hanging down from itself... hell, America could not sit still until it had gotten hold of the Louisiana Purchase, Alaska/Hawaii, fought a war to control Texas, and still holds on to Puerto Rico among other places for what reason I cannot imagine (other than to have another bombing range). Could come a day when Canada herself decides it is time to return Alaska to the motherland, it's attached. Future generations of troopers might find themselves wearing arctic white camo instead of all this desert color... the way things seem to go.

Why government won't hear and abide by the voice of the people can be answered in a superficial examination of our electoral system.

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