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39mto39g 05-04-2004 05:46 PM

Super scout says change the title
One of the accused Army guys wife was on TV today talking about what had happened. She said that The MI (Military Inteligence) had directed the treatment and was advising how to do it.
Now I can't condone mistreating Women or children. But I could give a shit about the Iraq Army guys.
personally, This Is why I have always said I wouldn't take prisoners. Don't take prisoners, They stand up with there hands in the air, makes a easy target for the M60. Can't have the media around either. But then I wouldn't have them there in the first place.
WAR and being nice just don't mix. Pick one. War or being nice.


sfc_darrel 05-04-2004 06:19 PM

Um. Did you go to the South Korean POW camps in Vietnam? Cleanest ones around. No prisoners. :re:

catman 05-04-2004 07:47 PM

Gotta side with Ron on this one. Don't take prisoners, they eat all your rations and drink your water.


SparrowHawk62 05-04-2004 09:12 PM

I'll probably open a can of shit, but what the hell.

From a military stand point, I can't see taking prisoners. They do nothing but use manpower and supplies. Can't see just letting them go either, they'll only pop up again to try and kill our troops.
Shooting them with their hands up, like it's been said the damned media had better not be around. What stupid ass'es took these now infamous pictures? How did they ever get released into the public domain???

From the stand point of an Ex-CSP (Naval Corrections Specialist), and former Civilian Corrections Officer. I am outraged, there is not one excuse for this! I wasn't trained, BULLSHIT doesn't wash.
These were MP's for christ sake, are they that damned stupid not to know this wasn't wrong? You leave these sand hopper F***s
in a cell, feed them, water them and provide showers. You watch them in the cells. Boring, hell yeah, I did it for over 20 years. You don't play these stupid kind of stunts with people no matter how much you hate them. What kind of woman is that to do the things she was doing? The brit pictures turned my gut even more.
Could be the biggest reason for us to have regular troops fighting this war. These weekend warrior's must think this is a training drill. I personally hope they only face a Court Martial, they need to be kicked the hell out of the service!

Dragon Lady 05-04-2004 09:38 PM

I too worked in the Prison System, okay so it was the training academy in Dela-where?, but we had to go into the prisons to check up on the trainee recruits.

You should know, if you worked one of the women's prisons, that women can be some of the most cold hearted, cruel, and insidious creatures to walk the earth. Men tend to be pretty straight forward in their violence where women tend to get creative in their cruelty.

Sorry to do this to you fellas but I have one name that comes quickly to mind...Lorena Bobbit.

This isn't to say that this woman is not accountable. Everyone of the knuckleheads that took part in that scheme is accountable. There are NO excuses! Even the UCMJ states that you are allowed to disobey an order in instances that to follow the order would be to break the laws of the land and military (I'm paraphrasing here, but you get my meaning). "Just following orders." No WAY! You have a right to decline the order. I would rather be sent to jail for disobeying a direct order than be sent to jail for torturing another human being. Where is the "common sense" in all this?


Tamaroa 05-05-2004 02:45 AM

What our guys did was inexcusable. Letters of reprimand are absurd. They should do brig time then a dishonorable discharge. They were also incredibly stupid. How could you do those things when cameras were present? Brains are lacking here and it has caused us an unnecessary political nightmare because now there is ammo around the world to indicate we are not who we say we are.


revwardoc 05-05-2004 04:29 AM

Dragon Lady,

Did you hear that Lorena Bobbit's sister, inspired by her sibling's success in beating the system, tried the same thing with her husband, but she had a few drinks before trying it and only managed to stab him in the thigh.

She was charged with a missed-da-weiner!

DMZ-LT 05-05-2004 04:35 AM

Throw the book at them. Never had anyone taken prisoner and never took a prisoner

SparrowHawk62 05-05-2004 05:47 AM

"You should know, if you worked one of the women's prisons, that women can be some of the most cold hearted, cruel, and insidious creatures to walk the earth. Men tend to be pretty straight forward in their violence where women tend to get creative in their cruelty."

Yes, I've had the misfortune to have worked with "Flea-male" inmates. Your statement couldn't be more true! I was never attacked in more viscous manners then by females. One came at me with a mop ringer "I'm gonna F*** you up, boy!" A cross cut to her chin knocked her out cold. I was written up for excessive force! Got it dismissed at a hearing, when I threatened the prosecutor with a mop wringer I brought with me. It was agreed that the wringer used in that manner was a weapon. Duh! I've also been to Bedford Hills and Orleans Female State Prisons, they don't have the kinda cash it would take to get me to work either one!

I'm just wondering what happens to the female solider if she was to be put back out in the field. Word would get around that she's into all kinds of crazy stuff. Wonder if she'd bring charges up on a US Solider that would do something along those lines to her? She had no business being in that prison! If she wasn't trained to do that kind of work, she should have never been that close to these P.O.W.s.

39mto39g 05-05-2004 07:56 AM

MI (Military Inteligence) runs one part of the prison and the rest of the prison is run by the Army. The majority of the prisoners are just detainies, a place to keep them off the streets. Then there is the MI side, which employes tactics that are a little out of the ordenary to get information out of the prisoner to save American lives. Now if makeing a prisoner stand there naked with womens panties on will get him to tell where he hid his B-40 than hes gona have some panties on. The problem comes in when pictures are taken and given to the media.
It used to be that M-I could just beat it out of a Prisoner, now they can't touch the prisoner, so whats left? These guys weren't hurt, just humiliated. Big deal.
Its not the act, its the pictures, When the pictures come out then all the brass have to say, this is terable, and is not what America is about, and someone will pay for it. Meanwhile, M-I finds new ways to get information from prisoners and the new ways, if there were pictures, wouldn't be any nicer. hears the new rules, NO Cameras in the prison area, Media out of the country, No more prisoners, They have a gun-they die.
This, of course, is just my opinion.


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