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Tamaroa 01-03-2014 05:01 AM

Snow Storm 1/2-1/3
How is everyone doing, here in the north east? We in the lower Hudson Valley got about 8 inches overnight. Snow appears to have stopped but it is bitter cold right now (8 AM) 6 degrees. It is supposed to drop to below zero tonight.

At least I am retired now and don't have to think about a commute :-)

reconeil 01-03-2014 05:08 PM

Hangin-in-there like everyone else has to, Bill.

Still and in all honesty, I never saw anything worthwhile about snow since traded-in my sled for a shovel.

Whatever,'s supposed to get even colder by us tonight.

So sip a little Remi or such and stay warm. ;);)


Tamaroa 01-03-2014 07:09 PM

Still 6 degrees and it is supposed to go to -4 tonight. Got the heat going good. My son came home from work to find that the snow plow had blocked our driveway again so he had to shovel snow away again to get his car off the street.

we stayed in today as much as possible, We only went out once to refill our bird feeder so the birds could eat. we have a lot of Sparrows and Juncos that stay back for the winter. They must have a heck of a layer of feathers under their usual coat to stand this weather,


82Rigger 01-07-2014 08:34 PM

Well, I'm a FLORIDA boy, but I lived for 6 years in MINNESOTA, so I know about cold weather.

Take the proper precautions and STAY SAFE!.

Rigger Steve

reconeil 01-08-2014 04:00 AM

When you lived in Minnesota, did those typically more deviously dictatorial and money hungry of our all-knowing political ruling elite also purposefully blame nasty cold spells, hot spells or whatever (blame pretty-much everything) Quite Intelligence Insultingly on: "Global Warming"?

Just curious.


Tamaroa 01-11-2014 01:30 AM

Not a lot of snow but bitter cold around here. Nights fell to below zero. Things have progeessed a little. on Wednesday it was 6 degress. Yesterday it went up to 16. Supposed to be in the 20's today ;-)

SEATJERKER 01-26-2014 06:09 PM

Same here

...worst was the minus 35 wind a week or do back,...

...lower Hudson valley ??? Where Bill, We're in Latham,...

Tamaroa 01-27-2014 05:15 PM

I live close to the Bear Mountain Bridge. I'm familiar with Latham. Once knew a girl who lived there.

Stick 01-29-2014 06:17 AM

In Georgia they have absolutely no idea what a snow plow is nor what else salt can be used for unless it's on their pop-corn.
Last night at 11:00 there was three school busses stranded on I-85 South with school kids still on the busses that hadn't been made it home yet from school and Georgia Power Line workers were told to have a packed a suitcase when they reported to work. There was well over 300 fender benders in just Atlanta proper due to icy roads yesterday.
There's a reason why Sherman marched to the sea and that was so that he could rest his weary bones along with the rest of the troops he was with on the warm sea-shores of Georgia and that was in late autumn 1865.
We live 1.1 mile away from a road Sherman's troops cleared in that "March to the Sea" and today you can't drive 2 miles from here through the Ginger Cake Valley of Ga. Hwy. 54 because there's too much ice on either side of the valley and you'll not make it up the hill. Yesterday afternoon there was an ambulance with siren sounding and lights flashing trapped in that valley unable to get up the hill out of the valley.
Just because Lee hung a white flag at Appomattox Court House doesn't mean that them darned Yankees have any right to put that white stuff all over the place down here now.

P.S. Does anyone know where can I find a kid to shovel the driveway?

82Rigger 01-30-2014 12:46 AM

Brother Neil,

In order for you to understand my answer to your question you must be able to understand the difference between CLIMATE CHANGE and DAILY WEATHER.

They are two entirely different things.

Climate change occurs over periods of decades, centuries, and millinium.


GLOBAL WARMING occurs in 12,000 year cycles.

For millions of years we have had periods of warming alternating with ice ages.

They occur in 12,000 year cycles.

Whether or not MAN has any effect on global warming I HAVE NO IDEA.

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