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HARDCORE 04-21-2024 04:30 PM

Hardcore has been unable to write or post for the past week.

So I Hope Others Will Start Posting Their Thoughts and Concerns On This Site So That Patriotfiles Will Not Be Taken Off Line. It Is A Very Patriotic Site And Hardcore Has Been Posting Since 2002. With The Way The Country Is Right Now - It Is Time For Other Military and Patriotic Americans To Start Giving Their Thoughts and Concerns As To Keeping Our Country Save. PLEASE VOTE TO KEEP AMERICA GREAT AND OUR COUNTRY SAFE IN NOVEMBER.

No Idea As To When Hardcore Will Be Able To Start Posting Again. He Is 83 and Not In The Best Of Health Right Now.

Will Keep You Guys Informed As To His Health.

Mrs. Hardcore

Boats 04-22-2024 04:02 AM

Mrs. Hardcore - Sorry to hear about HC under the weather!
Mrs. HC - you didn't elaborate his condition - I hope it's just a winter cold?!
He's in good hands with you there - for him.
I've procrastinated seeing the VET - and my wife as well.
Her's is more physical and internal shakes and tremors poor kid.
May 3rd - I'll be 78 yeow - those years catch up to you.
Tell him he'll get a prayer from us - as I'm sure others will - as well.
I hope it's not serious. He's a tough old bird he'll pull through it!
Best Wishes from: Wayne & Kathleen - (aka: Boats)

HARDCORE 04-22-2024 10:14 AM

Thanks For The Prayers.

Happy Birthday Boats. I Will Be 78 on 8 August as well. Rick will be 84 come September.

His Balance Is Way Off And His Memory Is Off Once In A While. Other Than That - He Is In Good Health. His Heart Doctor Is Sending Him To Two Other Specialists. He Sees His Primary Doctor On 10 May. Will Keep You Guys Updated.

Mrs. Hardcore

Boats 04-22-2024 10:47 AM

Mrs. HC -
I think once we hit the right number everything goes
even slightly at first then more and more each year.
I haven't been to the Doc in sometime - my memory is a
little off base as well. If I don't see some of the guys often
in the VFW I know who they are but can't pull out their
names all the time. There's about eight of us who are
nearing 80 and they too are battling the memory issues.
We had four guys nod off in the last 6-8 weeks we have
a shortage of the old guys but a few new once's drop in
every now and then. One guy 98 years old just got out
of the hospital and walked across the street to the VFW
post 6448 in Dyer, IN.

I'm a member of the Post but don't carry any position
in the house. I've talked to one guy and said if and when
I pull the plug - I'm being cremated and want to be buried
in a military site nearby.
Wife wants to be buried with her Mother when she goes
cremation is less costly we've found out.
Told the wife I will most like see what Hell feels like as
I may end up making a tour when my end comes.
Our daughter's will get our Home and Pension money
if any left. They are in their 50's and late 40's.
She's not doing so well and refuses to go the doctor
afraid she won't be getting out once she's in there.
She's lost about 40% of her body weight of late.
Wobbles and thin as a fence post - I've lost 125#
in the last five years as well.
I quit going to the VA Clinic too far away and I quit seeing
the doctors as well. I already surmise my end of days -
but Kath - is the one I'm worried about - I'd bring her to
the doctor but she's too afraid she'd committed and
sent to a nursing home her - but she would never talk
to me again if I signed her in.
She'd rather die at home then lay in a bed 24/7 and
God only knows what they would be doing to her.
HC got issues I take it - I think we all get them sooner
or later in life.
My memory is for shit - Kath is lucky I still know her
name and my daughters and grandkids. Don't see
them that often any more they all have their things
to do and all are working - Thank God - but the pay
isn't really enough to cover their bills - in this day
its amazing how quickly house rent got - gasoline -
food and just about everything else will bankkrupt
many of those on SS only. We're using are savings
and at time helping the girls out when desperately
needed - for co-pays & doctor charges each time now
and boy this country has gone to hell in a hand
HC should pull through it - it will be hard on you
until he's back on his feet once more. But we all do
what we have to when a mate or family member
needs some help.
God be with you guys I'm sure HC will get better
it takes a little time to mend or get better as we
age. Memories come and go more often than we
like - I deal with it each day and Kath said to take
your phone in case you get lost!
Well Bless you Mrs. HC and stay positive as best
you can and I'm sure he will bounce back he's
got a good wife and doctor - who will tend to
his needs.

Best wishes from: Wayne (Boats) & Kath

HARDCORE 04-22-2024 11:16 AM

Thanks Wayne!

Rick's knees have no cartage between the bones. His memory isn't as back as he can remember what happened to him at the Fort Ord Base Hospital while in basic training back in 1960.

At least, my memory is just fine. People are amazed that I can still remember numbers.

I have been Rick's Primary Caregiver for the past 25 years. Other than that we are fine here.

Mrs. Hardcore [Brenda]

Boats 04-22-2024 01:20 PM

Here's a link you may want to listen to!!
Rhapsody in Blue Debut | Rhapsody In Blue | Warner Archive

Always liked this tune and even watched the movie a few times.
Never too old for good music!


Boats 04-25-2024 09:41 AM

Mrs. HC Another tune you may remember
I'm old school and listened to many songs growing up!
Glenn Miller songs - if your interested!
I love the old stuff brings back a lot of memories of
my Grandparents and Parents.
Here's another by Kate Smith - God Bless America
Hope HC is mending up - it seems to come and go
as we age. I've been dealing with it of late and
at the VFW I always play the old 40's & 50's tunes.
Tell HC - he'll last another 10 years maybe then I
catch up to him.
Best Regards

Wayne (aka: Boats)

HARDCORE 04-26-2024 12:18 PM

Rick [Hardcore] told me this morning that he wanted to write a piece but all he did was sit in front of the computer for over an hour doing nothing. i have no idea if and when he will be able to start writing again.

Mrs. Hardcore

Boats 04-26-2024 12:40 PM

Mrs. HC - Did he see the Doc yet?!
How you holding up Mrs. HC?
Our prayers go out again to HC - and to you yourself.
There's only so much you can do - but be there for him.
Let him know we miss his postings!
We are here for you - if you need anything - we will do
what we can - your both in our prayers!

HARDCORE 04-26-2024 06:28 PM

I am holding up OK but I am very tired because Rick wants to get up at various hours during the nite to sleep in his lounge chair. I can not leave him in the living room alone so I lay on the sofa and try to get some sleep.

Thanks for your prayers.

Mrs. Hardcore [Brenda]

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