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PHO127 01-26-2004 07:03 PM

Psyco vets spring rally (campout) 2004
Well LT and I were discussing the thought of a spring Psyco Vets campout and were wondering if any of you out there might care to get together and meet. LT and I are going to Seattle on the 31st of July for a week to party with the west coast Psyco vets. We thought a East Coast campout around the weekend of the 23rd of April would be a good Idea. We have Psyco Mountain Available and plenty of room and Isolation, Just come on and have a good time. Doc Fred sure would like to see you and Grunt again, Andy, Boston looks real cold, spring in Georgia would be a nice break from the cold. Paco, No bars to get into trouble at. Danny, Crank up that Hog and come on up. Travis would be nice to meet you and doc2/47 and Curtis you too. Jerry D it isn't that far from Nahunta. And Ron this will give you advance notice to get a few days and come out here. Gimpy, Its time to visit the grandkids then a quick trip to the mountains. If he makes it until then Lt wiil celebrate his birthday, 57. Y'all come.

sn-e3 01-26-2004 08:08 PM

Man Sid that sounds like a great campout. I think Griz will try to have ours about the time you and LT are here but thats up to him. We ought to be ass deep in salmon by the time you get here so I'll save some Bait and line for you two I might even be able to get Kieth to put away his Fly stick and grab a real pole for some King Salmon fishing

phuloi 01-26-2004 08:33 PM

Is your week out here starting on the 31st? Seafood bash for a weekend at my house on the Straight of Juan DeFuca.I`ll take NO excuses from anyone out here in the West,and the rest of you will need a note from home with an explanation as to why you can`t attend.Let`s make this the mother of all get-togethers.

Salmon,prawns,crab,clams...I`ll even introduce some exotic stuff like sea cucumber and geoduck.And of course,lots of shooters for ElTee!

Dragon Lady 01-26-2004 08:38 PM

Torn between two coasts
My oldest is getting married in Seattle the beginning of August. or camping; hard decision.

Would you mind a "youngen" crashing the party in April? There's sometimes still snow on the ground up here. It sure would be nice to get to the warm country for a change.

I'll have to check with the Chief to see if we can swing down for a visit. Either way you guys sound like you will have a great time!

sn-e3 01-26-2004 09:09 PM

Griz count me in for sure. are youse inviting the little lady from okie- homa? If so it will be a great get togeather we might even let sid visit his brother for a few hours.

MORTARDUDE 01-26-2004 09:22 PM

Sounds great. Count me in. I may have a conflict in the middle of April. Another trip. I am sure 1SG Gatewood would love to go as well. I will mention it in the Vet Center and might have some others interested as well.


DMZ-LT 01-27-2004 05:27 AM

I think he pushed me into that fire !! , but I'll be at both campouts for sure. I have met several of the people here and it's like we have known each other since childhood. Looking forward to fishing with Doc. in early April too. Scouts Out !

Gimpy 01-27-2004 10:13 AM

Hey Sid,
Just marked my calendar! I'm-a gonna be an "Opa"! (actually my grandkids call me Paw-Paw!) again sometime in early March (my daughters due on March 9 with her second child) and I KNOW my wife Jackie will NOT go more than two months without seeing that baby again! So, I'll do my best to try and make it that weekend.

See y'all then!

Are y'all close to a trout stream? If so, I'll bring my fly rod! :D

BLUEHAWK 01-27-2004 10:16 AM

Gimp -
If'n you are a true Psycho-Vet, then I might pledge my allegiance... supossin' you would lighten up on my Scout and/or Scamp... deal?

Gimpy 01-27-2004 10:23 AM

I ain't got nuthin against Scamp............he's a fine fella.

Personally, nuthin against Scout's just his "behavior" & "political arrogance" that tend to piss me off.

Kinda like YOU at times.......ya know what I mean??

Now.........if'n you will.............don't be-a puttin up "stuff" on THIS thread that don't pertain to the "subject matter", will ya?

I got a BUNCH of friends here that don't like this $hit stinking up the place, OK??? :(

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