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Stick 11-05-2014 04:37 AM

America wins again
I'm waking up and looking at the Morning News this morning and what it headlines is the results of yesterday's mid-term election. The Republicans have won almost every position that they have run for. Incumbency has been a minus. The people want "Change."
Can you imagine a worse nightmare than being a member of the Steering Committee of the Republican National Party today? It was a "sweep" by that political party in almost every elected position yesterday and that party is in the hot seat.
The results are in and both houses of the Congress of America are now controlled by your political party and the President is a member of the opposing political party. He spent most of his first term in the Commander and Chiefs office criticizing the Republicans and the past administrations running of the office he now holds. His Congress has been controlled or stalemated by his political party since he was first sworn into office and most of what he's proposed has been made law.
"The buck stops here" now Congress and it's in your Republican hands as to whether America moves ahead or falls behind from today on to the future. It will take a Presidential Veto to stop the legislation that you pass onto that office, and Mr. President, you darn well better hope that what you DO NOT sign, is something that your American electorate do not support or what happened yesterday at the Poles in America will surely happen in the next National Election also.
I've been in Countries that do not have the privilege of having elections where the people determine how they want their nation to go tomorrow. In those countries the person sitting in the bosses chair could claim "Executive Privilege" on how you would live tomorrow. You had no say or even a right to say anything.
Yesterday, Democracy won.

reconeil 11-05-2014 08:34 AM

Stick & all Patriots,
Yesterday's election results make it truly a great day for America and all Liberty & Freedom loving and dictatorial governance despising American Voters.

We have now returned back to a 2 Party system of governance.

No longer do One Party Ideologues rule as They Alone ("My Way or The Highway" type Dems) HAVE SO DICTATED for about 6 years.

Now that highly touted: "Checks & Balances" thing might actually benefit We Americans once again?

Perhaps ALL laws will be enforced and even our borders will be made secure?

Regardless, one must hope that those still in charge and Dictating Their Will until January 2015, don't further Sabotage or Screw Things Up and make most Americans cringe while pleasing our MANY enemies, MANY illegal aliens here, and the MANY worldwide intent coming to America illegally, as so foolishly encouraged to do so by the Obama Administration.

Generally, one hopes that Republicans having won control of the U.S. Congress don't get suckered by some Phony Dem Bull, or their now very differently preferring that a nicey-nicey bipartisanship be differently conducted in Washington.

Republicans should Quite Differently do what's Best for America and American People INSTEAD with their newly won control of the U.S. Congress.

"The Party of Lincoln" and/or The Republicans should just use the standard Nancy Pelosi quip when responding to any Dem gripes.

"Get over it". "We Won".

I personally would add: AMERICA WON!!!


WateringHole 11-06-2014 09:12 AM

As President Roosevelt Once Said:
"There isn't but a dimes bit of difference between the Democrat & Republican Party".

I could be wrong, but I feel he was referring to the bills politicians vote on, because they all vote for as many big spending bills as they do for conservative bills. Yet on the other hand, when they're back in their home state, they try to convince their constituents how they stood-up to big greedy politicians and even the President.

WateringHole 11-07-2014 07:39 AM

Dumb Things Politicians Say
Congressman Bill Cassidy who's running for Louisiana U.S. Senator seat which is held by incumbent Senator Mary Landrieu made a remark at some dinner: "Mary Landrieu has scored an "F" with the NRA. Can anyone imagine that ? The state that gave the world Duck Dynasty has a Senator that isn't interested in her constituents having firearms and knows absolutely nothing about them herself".

Never knew the NRA had the responsibility of grading U.S Senators performance. Second, didn't know any female who runs for political office must be able to shoot a rifle as good as Annie Oakley. Third, not interested in a group of snaggle tooth, backwoods characters who don't have the slightest ideal what a bathtub or shower is.

reconeil 11-07-2014 08:13 AM

Re: "Bills politicians vote on"

Whether or not aware of it, you brought up a very good point, WateringHole.

The point being is that MANY: "Conservative bills" sent up by The House NEVER even were permitted to be voted on in The U.S. Senate, while; "His Barackness", Harry Reid and Dems TOTALLY CONTROLLED The U.S. Senate (FOR 6 YEARS!).

Obama, Reid & Pelosi's first 2 years and TOTAL CONTROL of ENTIRE U.S. Congress was even worse.

Regardless, in January, 2015 we will become a Representative Republic and a Real Democracy with: "Checks & Balances" once again.

Hopefully America will survive typical lordly decrees and dictates through November and December of 2014, without being further politically sabotaged or screwed-up beyond repair?


WateringHole 11-07-2014 01:09 PM

You heard the phrase: "the more things change, the more things stay the same".
Especially when you swapping politicians.

reconeil 11-10-2014 01:58 PM


I wouldn't take that: "The more things change, the more things stay the same" regarding the; "Swapping politicians" all that seriously,...especially since America has already experienced and suffered 6 years of international demeaning and belittling and domestic damaging changes under Despicable Obama, Reid, Pelosi and Democrat Rule/Dictates.

Then too, let's look at the times when the USA either improved or changed For The Better from a historical perspective.

America changed for the better AFTER Johnson or LBJ left office.

America changed for the better and greatly improved after Carter or: "Jimmy Who?" left.

America changed for the better after Clinton or: "Love-boy-In-Chief" & "Slick Willy" left.

And last but not least and most important of all, I most certainly hope that the Freedom, Liberty, Racial Equality and International Respect and Recognition attributes are restored and return to America,...after: "His Barackness" rides off into the 2016 sunset, stays in his no doubt perverted library, or perpetually golfs forever and can do no further harm.

Regardless and no matter who-the-hell wins in 2016, such can't possibly be any worse at protecting all Americans, Our Friends, Allies and entire Free World...than Obama, Administration & Cohorts were/are.

Let me somewhat qualify the previous or "No matter who-the-hell wins", WH.

After all, if Madam Hillary Rodham Clinton couldn't (actually WOULDN'T) come to the aid of and save the lives of HER Ambassador and 3 other Brave Americans at Benghazi, Libya, how could any Americans naively believe that she (as a Commander-In-chief) would aid or save them from Muslim Terrorists.

Counting on Hillary for your and family's Well-being, Safety & Security would be just-plain-stupid.


WateringHole 11-11-2014 08:58 AM

Just Plain Stupid ?
Your quote "counting on Hillary for your family well-being, safety & security would be just plain stupid".
I don't know where you got the ideal I'm a big fan of Hillary Clinton, but that's no so. Counting on a bunch of politicians in Congress and the U.S Senate for your family well being, safety & security is also just plain stupid.
If you recall, there was a Democrat President in office when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and he did a "darn" good job of being Commander and Chief during the time of war. Also, his predecessor was a Democrat and he was a darn good Commander and Chief during the time of war.

reconeil 11-12-2014 11:30 AM

Granted that Democrat FDR did good, WH, since he didn't Micro-manage the U.S. Military foolishly (the norm after WWII), and instead let them Destroy The Enemy and Achieve Total Victory,...which was the very last time done so American History.

Not so for whom then became the very first Democrat Micro-manager Commander-In-Chief of the U.S. Military, Harry S. Truman.

Because of Political Warlord Harry a state of war actually still exists between USA & North Korea to this very day.

The way I see it, Truman's only great claims to fame or infamy were his: "The Buck Stops Here" phrase, piano playing and the quite stupid firing of General MacArthur, and one proven to be of America's best generals.

Still, and in fairness to Old Harry, Prez Barrack or Barry's naively-asinine way of ending wars in The Middle East sure isn't a-helluva-lot any better, either.

Sorry for all you Brave Guys & Gals having to serve country under such Political Micro-managers.


WateringHole 11-14-2014 08:51 AM

"Different strokes for different folks".
If you think every Pres going be like George Bush or Ronald Regan, than you're in for a rude awaking. The reason Truman relieved MacArthur of his duties was because MacArthur ignored Truman's orders not to publicly make statements that would interfere with the White House attempts to bring North Korea & China to the Peace table. MacArthur made the remark"if China & North Korea didn't want to negotiate peace, than we will bomb China." His remark was something to that effect.
Many people at that time felt Truman made the wrong move for firing MacArthur, but years later when people began to realize how much of a powerhouse China was(and still is today)they began to agree with Truman's actions. This Country was still in the rebuilding process at that time from WWII and the majority of the people wasn't interested in another huge scale war so soon.

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