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reconeil 08-04-2004 11:55 AM

Tomato Questions
Forgot whom with or how many of us discussed tomatoes last year. But, was wondering how any of the helpful hints worked-out for you all? For me, with only 12 plants, was/is the best year ever. Was just out sweating my-ass-off picking about 30-40 pounds of what look like half green and pink baby pumpkins, which are actually Jersey Big Boys and/or large Beefsteak Tomatoes. Yesterday did about same, and in a few more days expect to do same.

Followed my own normal advice, EXCEPT greatly increasing the size of hole for planting and therefore greatly increasing the mix to fill same 12 holes. Used 2 wheelbarrows of fill/mix this year for the 12 plants. Whatever, sure paid-off.

Only problem ran into, was having to partially pull out my stakes and lean the plants up against the house, since plants with bunches of grandaddies (one weighed-out at over a pound and a half and/or about 3/4 Kilo), don't stay up very well.

Regardless, hope to hear that you others also did well. After all, plenty dried manure/Bovung, good top soil, sand and peat mix should work just as well anywhere. And,...that's no sh!t.


reeb 08-04-2004 04:23 PM


Pick them green ones and cook them, deep fried with flower only, nad Yum Yum Yum.

EBay time for Frieed Tomotaoes.....


1CAVCCO15MED 08-04-2004 07:21 PM

Roll 'em in a combination of flour and corn meal. Fry them in a pan with lots of pepper and some salt. Use half butter and half oil.

I use 1 quart of miracle grow when I plant tomatoes. Spray them with a liquid sprayer with manzate and miracle grow weekly. Stand back.

Doc.2/47 08-04-2004 07:32 PM

No green thumb here.Send me after food and I gotta either buy it ,catch it,or shoot it.

reconeil 08-04-2004 08:20 PM

Regarding green fried tomatoes, you-gotsta-have-patience.
First you have to get sick and tired of eatin red ripe and juicy variations of tomato salads, one slice filling (about 3/4" thick) tomato sandwiches on mayonaised toast, roasted tomatoes coned-out somewhat and loaded with sugar, and passing-out tomatoes to friends and neighbors for a few months.

After the growing season and/or when expecting first frost and pulling out the plants,...there are nothing but green tomatoes stripped from the plants (about 3 shopping bags full). Then, and except for the tomatoes turning red in the bags (they all would if not eaten green), for a couple of months we pig-out on fried green tomatoes,...naturally fried with The Wifes Super-Duper (great on chicken, veal, steak or ANYTHING pan fried or deep fried) Breading.

Still, and since some tomatoes got and get knocked off or fall off green during the season, we did sort-of cheat tonight (as throughout summer also), by having some fried green tomatoes.


MORTARDUDE 08-04-2004 10:20 PM

Good job Neil !!

I was the one that started the tomato thread last year after the worst year I ever had. I planted in April last year and that was the start of lots of bad luck. As I recall, there were bad crops all around. This year I planted in late May, as I usually do. My crop should start coming in about the end of August. I added lots of calcium, fortified fertilizer, peat moss, top soil, cow manure, etc. I have planted several types of sweet peppers ( 6 or so, I think ) and they have been producing very well for some time. That is all I planted this years, besides marigolds and herbs. So far so good. Take some pics .. OK ?


Boats 08-05-2004 10:49 AM

I had some the other day when we went out to eat. It was a nice place but their tomatoes were so good I asked the guy to bring me out a small plate full of them.

I like them cold with salt and pepper. Many years ago in a bar in Idaho Springs, CO my friend who owned the bar would find some of the best tasting tomatoes. We'd sit there and eat two or three with beers - man they were good!!

Many store boughts are not tasty and don't have a good size to them. I've tried growing them but haven't had any real good luck getting the type I like. I know what brand? Problem is I never got the name I just know when I get a good one its like heaven.

doc628 08-05-2004 11:29 AM

Sounds like the Buffalo Bar.

reconeil 08-05-2004 12:20 PM

Glad hearing you had good luck this year.

Still, and regarding: "Take some pics ..OK?",...that's basically impossible since I couldn't send out a picture on This Lit-up Typewriter,...even if you put a gun to my head.

Guess it's fair saying that neither The Wife or I could be classified as either computer or scanner experts? Sorry.


P.S. Maybe when The Grandkids get a little bigger (now 4 & 8), "They" might show us how? And, why not? After all, they both certainly love eating thick and 1 slice filling tomato sandwiches as often as possible. So, believe a little: "Pay-back" is sort-of warranted, since I don't charge them that much. :D :D :D
Don't you think?

Boats 08-05-2004 03:34 PM

Geez Doc isn't there anywhere you haven't been? It was next door to the Buffalo Bar. Tommy's place was called the Colorado Bar and we had some good card games in that place.

We used to go hunting together for Elk and Mule Deer in or about this area. My oldest daughter was born out there. My wife hated it - too far - from anything.

At noon you could shoot a 105 down the main street and not hit a thing. Everyone was packing in town we all carried side arms and used to check in our rifles at the door in a gun rack built just for us.

Boy those were the day - now they are civilized.

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