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reconeil 10-09-2013 03:14 PM

"Skins" should change name.
I think that name: "Skins" or "Redskins" says nothing good or nice about a football team.

Therefore and sort-of-like macho sport Prez Obama, Me Thinks their name shoud be changed.

Wouldn't The Washington Savages be great and about as macho complimentary as it gets?

I-sure-as-hell think so. ;);)


82Rigger 10-09-2013 11:48 PM


This is called PC or Political Correctness.

It falls into the same category as the elementary school kid who was suspended from school for DRAWING A PICTURE OF A GUN.

Another name for it is "moronic stupidity".



Have you heard the latest?

A kid was suspended from school for playing with a toy gun....IN HIS FRONT YARD.

A school bus driver happened to see it, and somehow that made it "school policy".

This country is going down the $hitter.

reconeil 10-11-2013 02:12 PM

Amazing, isn't it, Rigger?

Kids get suspended from school, punished or corrected for merely playing with or just harmlessly drawing guns, by the powers that be.

Whereas any kids displaying that typically Absurd National Stupidity of Moronic Tolerance & Sensitivity (just like their foolish parents) towards all Criminally Illegal Aliens daily sneaking into America,...are highly commended by our usually Criminally Illegal Alien Pandering powers that be.

The nationally suicidal lunacy has gotten worse and worse each and every year.

"Country is going down..."???

Hope we and country can ever climb out, friend?


82Rigger 10-11-2013 07:58 PM


I think we can still climb out.

If the American people will wake up and smell the coffee.

Sometimes I wonder if most American citizens realize that politicians in the Executive Branch and Legislative Branch can be FIRED.

Time for the citizens to control the politicians, not the other way around.


reconeil 10-13-2013 09:54 AM

Daily sad realities seen on TV should make most seriously question your: "...can be FIRED" bit, Rigger.

Hell. That obvious top level malfeasance of office refusing them aid and permitting those 4 Brave Americans to be slaughtered by War Criminal (re. mass-murderers of non-combattants) Muslim Terrorists at Benghazi, Libya,...didn't even get a slap-on-the-wrist.

Pretty-much same is disgustingly so with debacles on Mexican Border and other PC dictated Bureacratic displays of Power OVER The People.

Apparently, it's just to-damn-hard to FIRE any kings, queens, emperors or fuhrers and their ruling elite appointees.

A good example of what stated here is Bill Clinton.

The entire U.S. Government & Chief Justice of The Supreme Court couldn't even make the case that Bill daily getting: "Head" in The Oval Office from a subordinate was even; "A Misdemeanor" sez-it-all.


82Rigger 10-13-2013 05:42 PM


It's not that hard to do.

Just last month 2 Colorado Senators were RECALLED AND SENT HOME because they went against the will of the people and voted for tighter gun control in Colorado.

The legal provisions are in place. People just have to get involved. Same for any other problems.


reconeil 10-14-2013 11:52 AM

That's fair enough and good for common sense and the people of Colorodo, Rigger.

But what should bother most is that no such common sense is displayed for recalling and sending home (I actually prefer SENDING TO JAIL.) top ruling elite not doing as sworn to or what WE PAY THEM FOR, while obviously putting American Lives at risk and disgustingly denying aid to Americans under Islamic Terrorist Attack,...and FOR POLITICAL REASONS to boot.

Also possibly aiding enemy aside, when U.S. President, Attorney General, Secretary of State and any other U.S. Officials obviously guilty of deriliction of duty or malfeasance of office go to jail, such as you and I would no doubt do if perpetrating same,...I'll be somewhat content.

Granted, such won't bring back lives of many Americans & Mexicans cartel murdered by U.S. Taxpayer Paid For Weapons in Mexico and on the border, nor those 4 Brave Americans (plus many others) DENIED ASSISTANCE while being slaughtered by Muslim Terrorists at Benghazi.

But at least some semblance of justice will be served by jailing all such treasonably-pompous career American politicos, such as previously alluded to.

When "They" take their oaths to: "We The People",...are their fingers crossed?

Does that justify perpetually deceiving US (both ways)?


82Rigger 10-15-2013 12:04 AM


I could be wrong, but you may be witnessing a turn-around in the way political business is conducted in this nation.

When an American attack on Syria was imminent, congressmen and senators reported to Obama that 100% of their constituents wanted NO PART of an attack on Syria.


"Don't worry about what the people want, vote your conscience".


When Americans heard that, they were outraged.

Americans are also outraged over the NSA spying and the information they are collecting and what they are doing with it..

I can't wait to see what happens when "Rumsfeld vs. Podilla" breaks the headlines.

After this "shutdown" business, you may see a more "assertive" American population.

Rigger Steve

reconeil 10-15-2013 01:19 PM

You most certainly ARE NOT WRONG, Rigger.

There has been a despicable: "Turn-around in the way political business is conducted in this nation" ever since quite secretively suspect of background BHO II or Jr. first came on the scene and duplicitously-corrupt and: "Never let a crisis go wasted" Chicago style campaigning and voting became acceptable and the current norm of the land.

I find it amazing that even after most American career ruling elite leaders have permitted such for so long a time, they have the gall and audacity to accuse other nations of being corrupt and their leaders of having been fraudulently elected.

Many such phonies act like: "The pot calling the kettle black:, or WHAT HYPOCRITES!!!

Most of about 200 or so Democrat ACORN Community Organizing might have changed their names after being exposed,...but unfortunately for Americans they're Still ACORN and Still register MANY, MANY fraudulent or fictitious voters.

Also, one wonders just how many of such Low Lifes alluded to actually work at the polls?


82Rigger 10-15-2013 11:19 PM

Brother Neil,

I think we have a small misunderstanding.

When I used the term "political turn-around" I was referring to the LATEST TWO OR THREE MONTHS.

After the Syria business and the "shutdown" crap, I think the American people will start making their voices heard.


That was the point of my Colorado comment.


reconeil 10-16-2013 06:59 AM


Damn! I hope you're right, even though I wander and so many other things also disgust me.

Still, waiting 2, 4 or 6 years to MAYBE(?) rectify obvious Nationally Suicidal Dictates is just-plain-stupid.

Regardless and along vein of people disgustingly changing things, do you think any of press and ruling elite have also noticed the great historical similarity to King Obama's, Reid's, Pelosi's, Wrangle's or Schumer's and such (?) : "DON'T WORRY WHAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT"?

After all, wasn't some similarly quite lordly arrogant and supremacist pompous-ass ruler once sent to the guillotine, merely for saying: "Let THEM (re. French People) eat cake"?

No Free People of the world can ever knock The French for doing that. ;);)


82Rigger 10-18-2013 04:47 AM


The incumbent President, Vice-President, and members of congress CAN BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE.


All that needs to happen is that the American people DEMAND A RECALL.

It is THE AMERCIAN PEOPLE who will have to unify and demand that it happen.

Maybe "We the People" will get fed up enough, eh?


Tamaroa 12-26-2013 04:52 PM

I know I will annoy people with my observation, however, I believe that the Redskins should keep their nickname. The whole thing is political correctness run amok. For those of you who have served in the Army's 7th Cavalry, is the Unit song still Gary Owen? I ask because if anything should be changed, Gary Owen should be deleted as the 7th's official song. If you know the history of the song, it was played at the Battle of Washita Creek to start the attack on an Indian village where mostly women and children occurred. It's a great tune and the 7th is a great unit, but to those in the know, Gary Owen is a stain in our country's history perpetrated by Custer. Now if the song is still the 7th's theme song, that should be travesty since it represents pretty much murder and mayhem!

I have been a Redskins fan since 1968 and I hope they weather the current storm of idiotic political correctness. In fact, I can only think of one acceptable (to me) substitute. They can be called the Washington Braves and keep their logo as well as have a link to their own past. In the 1930's they were known as the Boston Braves before they moved to DC

reconeil 12-26-2013 06:25 PM

To answer your question of: "Is the unit song still GARY OWEN?", of course it is,...just like words GARY OWEN still and will always top off the 7th Cavalry regimental crest.

Regardless, me and old buddies' chests once in either A, B, C or Hq-Troops quite differently swell up with great pride when hearing The GARRY OWEN of our old unit.

Our pride in unit is quite rightfully so, since in more modern times the squadron or battalion was referred to as: "The Heroic First of The Seventh at the 3 day battle at LZ Xray in Vietnam" & first into Baghdad.

Don't know much about Baghdad, but LZ Xray was where 1st of The 7th took about 50% casualties while fighting against about 10 to 1 odds, and killing a staggering amount of North Vietnamese Regulars intent on destroying them.

Such brave heroism was what the Mel Gibson starring movie: "We Were Soldiers" was all about.

I and old buddies will never be ashamed of our alma mater, no matter whom think we should.

Whatever,: "GarryOwen" (7th Cavs' variation of: "Semper Fi" or Sempre Fidelis) to you.


Tamaroa 12-27-2013 04:20 AM


Thank you and exactly my point. Which is why I am still proud to be a Redskins fan and a big fan of the Army of Northern Virginia, etc. In terms of my admiration for a specific unit or thing, I am NOT a politically correct person. However, we who are NOT politically correct better have all our facts lined up because I've discovered in my verbal fisticuffs on the internet that usually politically correct people on the net are neither aware of the facts or they chose to ignore them to advance their own agenda.

By the way, I saw the movie and read the book. Both were excellent....

Regards & happy New Year,

Bill AKA Tamaroa

reconeil 12-27-2013 11:18 AM


Just out of curiosity and just maybe to help somewhat rationalize why the Battle of Washita even tragically occured, as a historian please answer the following.

Did the slaughter at Washita PRECEED or FOLLOW Custer's & A-Troop's total slaughter and rest of 7th Cavalry suffering many more casualties from an overwhelmingly larger hostile force of warriors, during the Battle of The Little Big Horn?

Paybacks were, are and will always be vicious travesties, whether long ago, today or in future.

Soldiers or troopers witnessing friends and buddies mercilessly slaughtered by Any enemy don't usually react very rationally ("Sensitively & Tolerantly" either) after that.

Sad but true.


Tamaroa 12-27-2013 02:57 PM

Washita was in 1868 and Big Horn was in June of 1876. Personally, I have the utmost respect for our armed forces from the 20th century on. However, I have serious reservations about our military in the 19th century. When you look at the Trail of Tears, The situation with the San Patricios in the War with Mexico and the wars of extermination on the Indians, you truly need to wonder about "manifest destiny" as well as our naked political aggression of that era.

Here is just one question that I have, the answer to which has eluded me for decades. The United States waged a war ostensibly to end slavery which wound up killing 625,000 Americans. Ex-slaves were guaranteed citizenship and freedom with the passage of the 14th,15th and 16th amendments. Then this same army went out west and destroyed the Indian population for primarily two reasons:

1) Gold
a. Custer Looked the other way in the 1860's and allowed an Indian Treaty to be broken because of the discovery of Gold in the Dakotas
2) the Americans much more productive use of farm land.
a. The American citizen with its agrarian model could grow much more on one square mile of land then the Indian could hunt or gather on that same square mile. Did that give us the right to "take" the land.

There is a book called a "Century of Dishonor" written by Helen Hunt Jackson which chronicles the history of every treaty made with the Indian in the 19th century. Not one was honored by Americans. The book is sentimental and not very well written, but it does a good job in pointing out the double standard that existed at the time.

By the way there is a book about Custer "The Son of Morning Star" by Evan S. Connell which makes good reading This review from Amazon: "Custer's Last Stand is among the most enduring events in American history--more than one hundred years after the fact, books continue to be written and people continue to argue about even the most basic details surrounding the Little Bighorn. Evan S. Connell, whom Joyce Carol Oates has described as "one of our most interesting and intelligent American writers," wrote what continues to be the most reliable--and compulsively readable--account of the subject. Connell makes good use of his meticulous research and novelist's eye for the story and detail to re-create the heroism, foolishness, and savagery of this crucial chapter in the history of the West."


reconeil 12-28-2013 07:34 AM

You're 100% percent accurate and will get no argument from me about mistreatments of natives of any lands, and especially about the despicable initial treatment of The American Indian by European settlers.

The only one thing I might add is a later and sort-of political hypocrisy about that era, as to Supremacy and National Aparthieds.

In last century America perpetually got on South Africa's case for being Supremacist and Aparthied, even though both USA & SA were pretty-much established around the same time.

The hypocrisy of it all comes in regarding approx. current native populations.

Initially America had about 40 million American Indians, and now there are about ONLY about 1 million left.

Initially South Africa had about 1 million Native Blacks, and now there are about 40 million MORE Native Black South Africans.

That being so, Tam..., which nation do you think ACTUALLY treated their original native population better???

Remember,..."Numbers don't lie".


P.S. Glad you came back to Patfiles to discuss things once again.

Tamaroa 12-28-2013 09:29 AM

I'm not familiar with south Africa exept as it relates to the Boer war, so I'm not qualified. I suspect that there was an increase inmigration TO South Africa a la Nelson Mandela, et al! I'll look it up.


reconeil 12-30-2013 05:12 PM

I don't believe: "Immigration" has anything to do with main point I was trying to make that we overly righteous about SA mistreatment of black natives or apartheid, during that same period USA turned about 40 Million of our native American Indians into a lowly 1 Million.

Therefore, in that context and since 1 million South African Blacks flourished to about 40 million during about same years, which native population obviously faired better?

40 million people being decimated to 1 million doesn't speak well for US (both ways).


Tamaroa 12-30-2013 07:15 PM


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