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revwardoc 01-19-2009 09:15 AM

A sports bar in Chile?! Do they have one of those llama bucking machines?

Bill Farnie 01-19-2009 10:15 AM

Hey James. Your getting to be quite the globe trotter. Have fun and stay out of jail.

exlrrp 01-20-2009 03:04 PM

Hola from Chiloe
Hi guys, ite me again. Have t keep this short.
We´re eting great food here nd no, its not like Mexican at all. Chilean food is pety meat and potato stuff, no hot sauces, not even tortillas.
Its a great country and very modern and sophisticated. EVERY little lace has either internet or wifi or both.
Was in the Lake district yesterday'''gorgeous.
On theiisland of Chiloe today'''also gorgrous. Took a boatride out to se the penguins. The weather here is warm and sunny. Great beaches.My time on this computer is abot to end, will write more tommorrowI´ll be praying for Frisco-Tom
Hsta manana

QM3steve 01-20-2009 05:18 PM

So much fun... so little time. Cholitas, what a riot. Saw them on TV one night.

Sounds like a great time there. Do ambassadors get diplomatic immunity at the bar? Even for a pepsi or coke?

MORTARDUDE 01-20-2009 07:41 PM

Good to hear from you James !! Can't wait for the pics.

Stay safe.


exlrrp 01-21-2009 06:26 AM

I have a little more time now
Back to the food question.
A lot of Americans think that Latin America is one continuous Tijuana from the US border to Tierra del Fuego but there are as many, perhaps more differences between a Chilean and A mexican as there are between an Italian and an Irishman. The food is much more US oriented, no hot sauce and they eat bread instead of tortillas with meals. We´ve had some great meals with some interesting sauces but nothing that would eatr up yr stomach lining. Its defintely the plkace for seafood. Their equivalent to a taco is an empanada, which is like a meat pie with meat and chees or seafood in it.
I believe most Americans would feel right at home in Chile, as a matter of fact, of all the Latin American countries Ive seen, this is the one I´d recommend to people for a vacation. Its a safe place, you can walk the streets without feeling threatened---no more than you would in the US, anyway. Chileans don´t get in your face to buy stuff and you don´t have to bargain either, theyre mostly very polite and friendly. A lot speak English.
The streets are paved at aleast as well as Oregon´s and they definitely have a pothole repair brigade, unlike, say, Mexico or Costa Rica where you can be driving along a highway at 60 mph and hit potholes you could hide a volkswagen in. Also, Chileans are responsible drivers, unlike Vietnam, The Phillippines or Mexico, where you can come around a corner and be face to face with three buses racing each other side by side----in your lane. People repect traffic signals, they don´t pass stupidly or run you off the road.
WHere we are now is on the same close to same lattitude as Portland and the weather is about the same--Its sumer here now but half the year its Portland winter weather.
Where we are now reminds me a ot of Puget Sound, islands and eninsulas with ferries running between em. Great long beaches mixed with rugged coasts. Small towns and villages, kind of remind me of Mendocino.
They have an excellent 100% healthcare system, fre to all, the US could model ours after it
OK, times running out on the computer, more later
Stay good

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