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Should all service members receive the same pay determined by rank or should some jobs pay more?

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This Day in History
1775: On Cambridge common in Massachusetts, George Washington rides out in front of the American troops gathered there, draws his sword, and formally takes command of the Continental Army.

1778: As part of a British campaign against settlers in the frontier during the Revolutionary War, 360 American settlers, including women and children, were killed at an outpost called Wintermoot's Fort after they were drawn out of the protection of the fort and ambushed.

1863: Troops under Confederate General George Pickett begin a massive attack against the center of the Union lines at Gettysburg on the climactic third day of the Battle of Gettysburg, the largest engagement of the war.

1863: Major General Grant and Lieutenant General Pemberton, CSA, the commander of the Vicksburg defenses, arranged an armistice to negotiate the terms of capitulation of the citadel. Only with the cessation of hostilities did the activity of the fleet under Rear Admiral Porter come to a halt off Vicksburg.

1863: Battle of Donaldsonville, LA.

1864: Battle of Chattahoochee River, GA, began.

1864: At Harpers Ferry, WV, Federals evacuated in face of Early's advance.

1898: The Spanish cruisers Cristóbal Colón, Almirante Oquendo, Vizcaya and Infanta Maria Teresa, and two torpedo-boat destroyers, lay bottled up in Santiago Harbor, with seven American ships maintaining a blockade just outside.

1915: US military forces occupied Haiti, and remained until 1934.

1927: Ensign Charles L. Duke, in command of CG-2327, boarded the rumrunner Greypoint in New York harbor and single-handedly captured the vessel, its 22-man crew, and its cargo of illegal liquor.